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My life as a fairy story : Age 21 – 22 : Uni Year 2 plus summer

The princess was glad when she realised she had done very well on the tests and that she would be able to study the next year …


The king and queen were proud of their daughter and unaware of truly how sick she had been joyfully sent her back to the Red Dragon Academy the next year. This time the princess was able to get to all her lessons and took great joy in listening to experts teach. However she still could not overcome the evil wizard’s reading and writing spell. When the big tests finally rolled around Evil Wizard ME was determined to stop the princess from completing the year. He doubled his efforts and she was bombarded by invisible woodpeckers and her brain turned to sludge.


The princess spoke with her mother through the magic mirror and the queen realised that only her royal magic could help. She hired a carriage and made the journey to join her daughter. She found an inn and every day she would arrive at her daughter’s dormitory. The queen would read the required scrolls and write up all knowledge that was needed into short and simple words. After two weeks the queen had made up all the necessary notes so that the princess could pass her big tests. Then the queen would read the notes to the princess and ask her questions about the information.


The princess was so happy to have the mother with her to help her. Evil Wizard ME was angry at this interference in his plans and gradually increased the strength and number of the invisible woodpeckers. The princess attended all her tests and managed to cast some basic spells on the provided magic mirror. She got a letter from a resident healer to tell the professors how the evil wizard was treating her. The professors looked kindly on her and she was allowed to continue studying.


Normally the princess would have begun a year volunteering in a village in order to practice her skills but the professors said that first she must complete all her scroll work. They said if she completed the work before the new study year started she could go straight to the last year of her studies. The princess was pleased by this approach. However she needed to stay in the Red Dragon Capital in order to keep studying and her dormitory was shut over the summer. So with her bestest friend another princess being victimised by Evil Wizard ME, she moved into her very own tiny castle.


She loved her castle so much. It had just enough space to fit the two of them. The two princesses loved to play in the kitchen making new and exciting meals. But Evil Wizard ME was infuriated that two of his victims should be enjoying themselves and he began to send more powerful spells their way. Gradually the two princesses stopped talking or playing together. Our princess tried to work but found it very difficult. By the end of the summer she had still not completed all her scroll work. The kindly professors said she could have an extra year of studying to focus on recovering from the effects of the latest evil wizard’s spells and complete all her scroll work …